9月20日, 邓英大使首次到访桑德堡市,会见南丹麦中丹协会,学联以及当地华人华侨代表。南丹麦中丹协会代表贾亮先生向驻丹麦大使邓英介绍了桑德堡华人华侨工作生活的情况,对大使的到访感到万分荣幸。协会会协助驻丹麦大使馆在提高华人的凝聚力上做出应有的贡献。驻丹麦大使馆也就一些相关华人政策问题进行了答疑,表示对协会工作的肯定以及会在今后提供的相应活动的支持与帮助。
On September 20th, Ambassador Deng Ying visited SDKF in Sønderborg . Mr. Jia Liang introduce the situation of the local Chinese here in sønderborg and appreciate the visit of China Embassy. SDKF will continue to contribute for uniting local Chinese. China Embassy also answer some questions from the members and will give more support for our activities.